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TANZANITE CITY: The Africa's Factory & Innovation Powerhouse!

TANZANITE CITY: The Africa's Factory & Innovation Powerhouse!
We Will Turn Bushes Into Highly Industrialized City

Sunday, May 26, 2013


The primary motivation for building the Tanzanite Empire is modernization and self-sufficiency of our industrial sector that will be translated in economic gain, whether this is achieved in the short- or long-term. We at the Tanzanite Empire believe that, even if we might be very successful in importing high technology and/or gaining access to new technologies via foreign joint ventures and Foreign Direct Investment, this technology may not necessarily prove to be useful unless we have an ability to absorb, assimilate, and innovate these new technologies, concepts, processes, and equipment.
The key to utilizing acquired technology in an efficient manner is having a highly skilled workforce and exposure to international experts in high-tech fields. To succeed in our mission we must have a sizable pool of well-trained scientists, technicians, and engineers even if not on a per capita basis, our academics, engineers, and scientists should have opportunity of participating in international scholarly fora, meetings, and workshops that provide exposure to global standards and practices.
IN THIS era in which poor countries like Tanzania are engaging in the second war against new mode of colonialism after the first which lead to the political independence of our nations 50s years ago, High quality human resources and rich stock pool of skilled workforce, engineers and scientists is necessary. The availability of engineers and scientists determines the ability of a nation to develop competitiveness through differentiation. In terms of availability and quality of scientists and engineers, our country has a long way to go.
Consequently, it is necessary to continuously upgrade the manpower skills in technical and techno managerial dimensions. In a labor-deficit economy, new and efficient technologies must be highly encouraged, these results in a cycle where new technologies are always introduced, the engineers and technicians must continue to work efficiently, and the technical manpower quality must always be improved. Thus, making the continuous efforts to upgrade the talent pool the most important task of all, Opposite of that, this results in the brain drain phenomenon leading to flight of talent to advanced countries where the opportunities to upgrade exist. Our country has low ability to retain its qualified manpower when compared with other countries.
The Tanzanite Empire of Critical Thinkers is established to make sure scientific and engineering talent pool is secured instead of being at the disposal of countries that create conditions conducive to the nurturing and advancement of this talent pool. The Empire is aim to bring together geniuses and experts in various fields of science and technology, university college graduates and entrepreneurs and provide them with platform and facilities necessary for conducting researches & experiments, build new instruments, and scientifically test their ideas, hence contributing to our country’s ability to absorb, assimilate, and innovate these new technologies, which is a key to ensuring sustained growth and innovative capabilities in the future.
In the tanzanite Empire, Engineers apply the sciences of physics and mathematics to find suitable solutions to problems or to make improvements to the status quo. If multiple options exist, engineers weigh different design choices on their merits and choose the solution that best matches the requirements. The crucial and unique task of the engineer is to identify, understand, and interpret the constraints on a design in order to produce a successful result. It is usually not enough to build a technically successful product; it must also meet further requirements. Constraints may include available resources, physical, imaginative or technical limitations, flexibility for future modifications and additions, and other factors, such as requirements for cost, safety, marketability, productivity, and serviceability. By understanding the constraints, engineers derive specifications for the limits within which a viable object or system may be produced and operated.

Monday, May 6, 2013


‘We have decided to change and want to be like what Chinese are, we know we can.  We have our vision, we have our goals and objectives to follow and we are determined to win!’
Our country is now flooded with the technology products from all over the world, among these products are Chinese, currently our country import everything from highly complicated technology products such as aircrafts to the least significant items such as toothpicks and ear cleaning cotton sticks. Chinese have managed to affect every individual being in our country, even unborn children in wombs of their mothers sometimes their survival is influenced by the Chinese brain workers.
This situation is not an accident, it is a planned situation, Chinese people have been working under support of their government, which had specific strategies to support their brain workers and facilitate them with resources required to transfer every technology they wanted, as a result was numerous industries that have proved great success in the Chinese economy.
We Tanzanians can be like Chinese too, we can do what Chinese did to  reach where they are, and through the same stages Chinese passed, we can take our nation to the great heights of our continent in the field of science research and technology development. This will be possible only if we start now and put politics aside, the future of our nation is in our own hands, we can change it if we want, or we can continue playing dirty games and blaming other nationals for conquering our economy.
 While intense competitions together with a rapidly advancing technology have produced many changes in the pattern and outlook of industries nearly all over the world,  in which new products are continually being developed, and continual effort are put in place to reduce or stabilize manufacturing costs thus making increased resources utilization an economic necessity, in our country, the challenge of rural poverty, where the majority of the poorest people still live is massive and is magnified by the lack of capitals and appropriate technology; This has caused our country to be market of everything, we have reached a stage that some people believe  that nothing good may come out from Tanzanians in terms of science and technology.
As a nation, we have to bring together different performers (geniuses and experts in various fields of science and technology, the highly qualified University College Graduates and Entrepreneurs) in all walks of life and provide them a platform for conducting scientific researches, and develop technologies that promote economic growth, home improvement, and protect our environments. This effort should involve all the people who have passion with development of science and technology in our country and are ready to contribute to its development and make things happen, even though they are not engineers or scientists.
We have to apply multi-disciplinary approaches to both, advance knowledge through basic research and create innovative technologies that address current practical problems through applied research.  All Stakeholders (government, industry, and academia) have to work in partnership to transfer essential technologies and fill the gap of science & technology between our country and our challengers and create strategic surprise by facilitating the technological superiority of our Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Great emphasis should be to empower Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by providing scientific and technological support to develop and manufacture quality technology products and establish successful businesses that will compete equally in the local and international markets, hence driving our country towards sustainable growth and quality jobs.
What Chinese have done is not magic; it is the result of their vision, commitment, determination and focus on science and technology. We believe that we have a plenty of gold and Tanzanite to dig from talents of our people than any available mining operations on earth. So let us start digging now!

If it was possible to Chinese why not to us? 
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