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TANZANITE CITY: The Africa's Factory & Innovation Powerhouse!

TANZANITE CITY: The Africa's Factory & Innovation Powerhouse!
We Will Turn Bushes Into Highly Industrialized City


By Nsollo Nkalla 
(CEO and Founder ESTA-TZ)
The Role of ESTA-TZ:
The major role of ESTA-TZ in developing the Tanzanite City is to administer the design, construction of infrastructure and facilities, execution of the technology development mission and all operation of the day to day activities necessary for achieving the goals of its establishment.
In the cause of developing the Tanzanite city of Science, technology and innovation, ESTA-TZ had to review the industrialization process in some successful economies which have served as a model for development in many newly industrialized economies. ESTA-TZ has used the experience gained from a review of the models to plan strategies for industrial development in the Tanzanite City.
In particular, the focus was initially on the identification of the correct Strategy and institutions. The conditions, potential and pitfalls were investigated. The resources available and those needed were quantified and the gap estimated. Finally, based on experience gained and available information, the strategy for development is designed and an optimal model for industrialization of the Tanzanite City is proposed. The major steps to be taken during the industrialization process are identified and described in detail.
The Development strategy of the Tanzanite City’s rests on four kind of analysis: 
  1. Anticipated trends in innovation and changes in global economic environment; 
  2. Reflecting on past experience with S&T Strategy and institutional development; 
  3. Reassessing the current capacity, structure and Strategy and 
  4. Analyzing the successes and failures of other nations with similar goals
In the Tanzanite City, ESTA-TZ will address the needs of every specific industry with the aim of raising their survival, productivity and competitiveness of SMIE. The Industrialization Strategy will focus on specific industrial targets and fit the priorities and needs of individual industries
ESTA-TZ has to create ripe environment for business, academia and innovations in order to jumpstart the industries and accelerate economic development. To achieve this ESTA-TZ has identified the following ecosystem enablers to facilitate access to local, regional and global markets
Focused strategy; our strategy focuses on development of the home grown technology capability and develop myriad technology industries that fosters productivity and competitiveness
  1. Sound facilities & infrastructures; developing the city that provides our scientists and experts with infrastructures and facilities required to cater the needs of the expected scientific and technological advancement
  2. Adequate business systems; that will easy doing business in the city and provide greater opportunity for increased collaboration and networking both among firms and with supporting institutions such as government agencies, education and training providers, research institutions, and industry associations
  3. Development of talents and technology; This is where the highly qualified graduate of our universities and colleges will be provided with challenging works before they are overcrowded with life tragedies help our to launch and build successful businesses
  4. Access to capital and financing; one great responsibility of ESTA-TZ to the Tanzanite city is mobilizing various sources of funds and making them available to scientist and experts, to achieve this Tanzanite City will be working with other partners such as financial institutions and social security funds to leverage the access and availability of finances
  5. Promotion of SMIEs and entrepreneurship; the Tanzanite city will facilitate creation and support the growth of SMIEs and catalyze the innovation
Among these enablers, the first two are qualifiers and the rest four are differentiators which will make the Tanzanite City Successful and sustainable in raising SMIEs survival, productivity and competitiveness.
Development the Tanzanite City involves the following major steps to be taken during the industrialization process and formation of infrastructure organizations are identified and described in detail.

  • The import and implementation of foreign technologies (know-what),
  • Assimilation and reverse engineering (know-how), 
  • Modifying technology to local and international needs (know-why),
  • Increased R&D investment, cooperation and development of technology capability,
  • A deepening of firms’ R&D and carrying out collaborative and strategic research with foreign Technology Support Institutions (TSI). 
ESTA-TZ has a strategy to determine the technology development status before it forms Strategy to stimulate innovation and ensure the innovation triangle of technology push (technological pressure on the firms), market pull (firms strategic intension to meet market competition) and the policies (incentive and support policies to firms to develop technological capabilities) are important to TSI/Tanzanite City Firm relationships and innovativeness. A gradual transition from proactive to reactive support is such that the Strategy first will promote growth by direct intervention to promote technological capabilities, innovation and self-sufficient competitiveness and then subsidies and import barriers are taken away. A successful combination of supply-demand Strategy instruments are needed to create or shift comparative advantages to create a niche for the domestic economy.

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