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Monday, May 14, 2012

Three Things Our Country Needs to Develop

In this world of economic competitions and rapidly changing technology, many poor countries found themselves in tight Corner where they have no choice other than consuming whatever their bosses want them to even if sometimes they may not be happy.  This situation in many of these countries has become a result of weak leadership and inadequate policies and bad governance.The countries have become dumps of fake products and many of their natural resources are being transferred to the other countries leaving their people a deep poverty.

But why are these countries poor? no doubt every body if asked the same question would give different answer according to one's knowledge and general understanding background. To me, I think before one can comment on the question he/she must first understand what are the major ingredients to bring development to a country. on my opinion there are three basic things which when blended together will make a sustainable development;
  1. Adequate policies and good governance 
  2. Technology 
  3. Natural resources
Ingredient number one is the most important of all because if it is not there, nothing tangible can be achieved even if all rivers in the country flows milk and honey, ingredient number three is the last of the three, one may wonder why this is the last while everybody knows how the natural resources contribute to the development of the poor countries, this may sound good but if this was true, then countries like Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo e.t.c would be among the richest countries in the world.

By saying this I dont mean that natural resources are not important for the development, NO. But I want to emphasize the vital importance of the frequently neglected ingredient in the combination, that is technology. To explain that, consider the combination of the three above in groups of two as follows
  1. Adequate policies, good governance and technology without natural resources
  2. Adequate policies, good governance and natural resources without technology
  3. Technology and natural resources without adequate policies and good governance
Think of the three combination;

Combination 1; There are many countries in the world which have no plenty of natural resources as our countries do have, but they have good governance and appropriate technology, these countries are very far in terms of development than our countries which have every thing

Combination 2; A few years after independence many African governments were struggling to develop their countries using the so called  adequate policies, they committed all their natural resources but they failed because they had no technology to speed up productions and conversion of their raw materials to the finished products. many of these countries ended up in civil war.

Combination 3;  The third combination attracts civil war and generally speaking is not practical

Form the combinations, i here by conclude that in order to develop our country we must blend all the three ingredients i.e.natural resources, adequate policies, good governance and appropriete technology together to get development

Of all the three in this information age, technology must be given priority over natural resources 

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